Thursday, 27 January 2011

Conventions of a Horror/thriller Film

Context of a Horror film:
Centering on the dark side of life ,essentially Horror Films are designed to terrify and panic the audience , leading them on through the use excessive suspense,whilst also evoking their most dreaded horrors.
Horror films captivate and entertain the audience in a cathartic experience. 

Within a Horror film there is always a dominant character throughout the film who , in other words is the lead character who is always destined to survive until the very end , Leaving the film as the hero. The monster often carries a unique trademark characteristic in the way of which they  murder their Victims.

Existing Horror films which Inspired our group to create our opening sequence are as follows:
  • The scream
  • Scary Movie
  • Saw
  • Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Factors to Consider when creating a horror are:
  •  Mise en cine
  • Cinematography
  • Apparel/costumes
  • Captivating storyline/Plot.
Additional conventions to consider when creating a horror film are the non-digetic and digetic sounds within the film. Throughout a horror film the non-digetic music is usually used to create suspense and fear amongst the audience , this is usually created through the use of increasing tempo's throughout the film , which correlate to the current event in the film. For example in a typical horror , if an attack is about to commence the non-digetic sounds usually increase in tempo which adds anxiety amongst the viewers. Music is essential In horrors and often helps evoke a frightening experience for the audience.

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